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Heritage of Upazila

History and tradition accurately review the past events of man. On the basis of which people move towards the present and the future and build themselves as a well-civilized nation. As such Belabo Upazila has a glorious tradition. The people of this upazila, like Prometheus, shone in Belabo's house to house and rejoiced all over the world. Mr. Muhammad Habibullah Pathan, a prominent educationist, writer, researcher and archaeologist of this upazila has found an ancient fort city of about two and a half thousand years in the village of Wari-Bateshwar. Wari Bateshwar in Belabo Upazila is now known as one of the most important archeological sites in Bangladesh. Brick architecture, wide roads, the average of the king of Assam, weapons made of iron and other specimens have been discovered in this fortified area of ​​the two and a half thousand year old city of contemporary human civilization. Jahangir Nagar University Professor of Archeology, the team leader currently engaged in excavations. Sufi Mostafizur Rahman is in charge.